need to input username and password everytime
chengyi818 opened this issue · 4 comments
When I want to push my changes to github repos,I need to input username and password everytime.
Is there any method,I can skip this step.:smile:
@nicolasmccurdy thanks,this method can cache password for a few minutes.
When I clone my github repos to my own PC and push some commits,I never need to input password.
so can I config homesick which makes me never need to input password?
my has already in my github settings.:kissing_heart:
There are multiple git protocols, including SSH and HTTPS, which handle authentication differently. It seems like you're saving your password for one of them but homesick is using a different protocol.
Homesick passes all git operations directly through to the git installation on your terminal. For that reason I'm inclined to agree with @nicolasmccurdy and say this is probably down to a difference in how SSH and HTTPS protocols are handled. I'm going to close this but if you can add more info about how this might be a bug in Homesick feel free to reopen this.