
How to install this library to project in ubuntu?

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm working on open source project.
there is a statement #include <libscrypt.h>.
If this repository supports libscrypt, please let me know the solution.

Try apt install libscrypt-dev

I tried that, but still getting error.
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llibscrypt::scrypt

Could you check that also?

No clue then, I don't use this library for a long time. Just random guess maybe you forgot to add -lscrypt argument.

Sorry, could you tell me in details?
How can I update the cmakelist to compile this on project?

I can't really comment on any package Ubuntu has delivered, and I can't offer much regarding an unnamed project's cmakelist.

In general I recommend pulling this repo as a subrepo of your own project, then you can link against it and avoid assumptions about end user distributions and their packages.

@hobbydev71 I don't know anything about cmakelists unfortunately.