
Support compute query option

Cole-Jaeger opened this issue · 7 comments

Was looking to see if there were plans to support compute query option?

We have API's that support the computer query option but I cannot find any way to create it with the this lib.

Seeing if there were plans to support this before making a work around.

@Cole-Jaeger I ran into the same problem as you. I don't think this repo is being maintained anymore, which sucks. I needed to move fast, so I forked it and published to @odata-query-next.

It only supports compute as a top level option, so hopefully that is enough for you. I will likely revisit for continued improvements in the future.

@lenardchristopher will you be working on the reported issues in here? What is your plan?

@webJose I posted a link to my fork that supports compute. I would like to migrate this entire repo to typescript and support all OData features, but I do not have a timescale on when I will get to it. I'm a co-founder of a year old start-up, so I just don't have much time, unfortunately.

Please don't let me stop you from tackling it yourself, if you want.

@lenardchristopher Would you be interested in being added as a collaborator to this project?

@techniq sure! Thank you

@lenardchristopher Done, and thank you :)

@lenardchristopher Thank you for the heads-up ill check it out. Sorry for the late reply ended up not needing it for what I was working on but may need computes int he future. Appreciate the info and yea I get it I'm part of a small team and I wish I could build and contribute more but time at the moment just does now allow for that.

Thanks again all.