
Enable Support for Non Type Script Projects

martypowell opened this issue · 7 comments

When importing this package into a basic create-react-app you will get the following error:

Could not find dependency: 'tslib' relative to '/node_modules/odata-query/dist/commonjs/index.js'

Live Example.

The work around is to install tslib along side this package.

My recommendation would be to install tslib as a dependency rather than a devDependency, it seems tslib is recommending that anyway.

@techniq I can put in these changes if you would like, but wanted to ensure this is the approach you want to take.

@martypowell I typically leverage tsdx for my projects, and it appears they have tslib as a dependency. We could look at using tsdx and reduce our own configuration, but at the least, I think switching it to a dependency from devDependency makes since. Thanks!

@techniq #53 opened. If you would like any help setting up some Github actions instead of using travis ci, please let me know.

Pushed as 6.0.1. Thanks again.

If you'd want to setup Github actions, I'm all for it. I use Azure DevOps for my private projects and haven't gotten into Github actions myself, but don't mind moving from Travis CI.

@techniq sounds good, I’ll add an issue and give it a whirl.

@techniq confirmed this issue is resolved, you can see it in action here,