
Find yourself by location (mobile)

ff6347 opened this issue · 3 comments

Find yourself by location (mobile)

suggestion: usage of the mapbox geolocateControl()

I once used it for my ttn-tracker (which is obviusly not receiving any attention anymore).
However, geo-locating still works fine. This is the code snippet Is used:

  // +++ function to user location on the map (blue dot) +++
  // +++  important: only works within save environment (https or localhost) +++
  const geoLocate = new mapboxgl.GeolocateControl({
    positionOptions: {
      enableHighAccuracy: true,
    trackUserLocation: true,
    showUserLocation: true,

We had some issues on mobile with it. That’s why we decided against it before the release. Let’s review that again next week