
Test new DB with NextJs version of the App

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Test new DB with NextJs version of the App

I'm pretty confident that this works. I still would love to have an additional set of eyes to test this

Great! What are the steps needed to test this? Adding other values in the .env file that's it? I couldn't find the in 1P.

@ff6347 I've tested it on desktop and in the mobile emulation and it worked like a charm. I did test:

  • All layers (trees, pumps, rain)
  • Filters
  • Login/Logout, delete account, create account
  • Select tree, adopt/unadopt, water, remove watering
  • Navigation (switch between tabs, check info, etc)
  • Splash screen
  • Zoom in, pan, etc on the map

It all looks good to me! :)