
Messes up namespace docstrings that have numbers in them

Closed this issue · 2 comments

(ns furtive.test.spec-utils.rules-situations
  "Functions to setup the rules that represent certain situations in the
   processing of runtime system requests. Uses only production code!

   Rules are assumed to work against merchant \"14\""
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [furtive.session.persistence.session-persistence :as session-persistence]
            [furtive.rules.feature-bits-store :as feature-bits]
            [furtive.rules.rules :as rules]
            [furtive.rules.state :refer [RULES]]
            [kits.contextual-logging :as log]
            [ :as rabbit]
            [furtive.promos.promos :as promos]))

;; gets turned into:

(ns furtive.test.spec-utils.rules-situations
  "Functions to setup the rules that represent certain situations in the
   processing of runtime system requests. Uses only production code!

   Rules are assumed to work against merchant "14""  ;; <-- note this 14
  (:require [furtive.rules.feature-bits-store :as feature-bits]
            [furtive.rules.rules :as rules]
            [kits.contextual-logging :as log]
            [furtive.rules.state :refer [RULES]]))
guns commented

This issue was fixed with #42; please confirm

Nice. That looks good.