
An HTTP/2-based streaming PubSub server written in Go.

Primary LanguageGo

Drift: An HTTP/2 Pub/Sub service

Stability: Experimental

Drift is a topic-based PubSub service based on HTTP/2. It uses HTTP/2's ability to stream data as a simple mechanism for managing subscriptions.

In a nutshell, one or more publishers send data to topics. One or more subscribers can listen on that topic. Every time a publisher sends a message, all of the subscribers will receive it.


  • Uses the HTTP/2 standard with no additions.
  • JSON? Thrift? ProtoBuf? Use whatever.
  • Service metadata is confinted to HTTP headers. The payload is all yours.
  • Configurable history lets clients quickly catch up on what they missed.
  • Extensible architecture makes it easy for you to add your own flair.
  • And more in the works...

The current implementation streams Data Frames. Once the Go libraries mature, we may instead opt to use full pushes (though the overhead for that may be higher than we want).

This library is not stable. The interfaces may change before the 0.1 release

Currently, the library ONLY supports HTTPS.


$ brew install glide
$ git clone $THIS_REPO
$ glide init

From there, you can build the server (go build server/server.go) or the example client (go build client/client.go).

Simple Client Example

To use Drift as a client, import the client library:

import "github.com/technosophos/drift/client"

Here is a simple publisher:

c := client.New("https://localhost:5500")
c.Publish("example", []byte("Hello World"))

The above sends the "Hello World" message over the example topic.

A subscriber looks like this:

s := client.New("https://localhost:5500")
subscription, err := s.Subscribe("example")
if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Failed subscription: %s", err)

// Now listen on a stream.
for msg := range subscription.Stream {
  fmt.Printf("Received: %s\n", msg)

// When you're done...

A more advanced API is provided for configuring history and adding arbitrary HTTP headers.

About the Server

The server lives in server/server.go. The basic server provides convenient features for getting running quickly.

But the server was also designed as a composable system. You can easily take the parts here and add your own. Take a look at the registry in server.server.go to see how this is done.



Prints a the runtime API documentation.


Destroy a topic named TOPIC.

This will destroy the history and cancel subscriptions for all subscribed clients.


Subscribe to a topic named TOPIC. The client is expected to hold open a connection for the duration of its subscription.

This method does not support HTTP/1 at all! You must use HTTP/2.


Post a new message into the topic named TOPIC.

The body of the post message is pushed wholesale into the queue.

This method accepts HTTP/1.1 POST content in addition to HTTP/2 POST. Only one data frame of HTTP/2 POST data is accepted. Streamed POST is currently not supported (though it will be).


Create a new topic named TOPIC.

The body of this message is a well-defined JSON data structure that describes the topic.

GET /v1/time

Get the current time. This returns a plain text value with nothing but a timestamp.

$ curl -k https://localhost:5500/v1/time

The purpose of this callback is to give client libries a timestamp to use as the base time for calculating dates. This can reduce problems with clock skew.