
Exception:unexpected EOF

cnryb opened this issue · 5 comments

cnryb commented

system: windows
dotnet core version:3.0.100-preview6-012264
V2Ray version: 4.18.0

v2ray-dotnet-sdk version:4.18.0
Google.Protobuf version:3.6.1
Grpc version:1.19.0

.net core code

var channel = new Channel("", ChannelCredentials.Insecure);
HandlerServiceClient client = new HandlerServiceClient(channel);
RemoveUserOperation removeUserOperation = new RemoveUserOperation
	Email = "a@b.c"
var r = client.AlterInbound(new AlterInboundRequest
	Tag = "vss",
	Operation = new TypedMessage
		Type = "",
		Value = Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFromUtf8(removeUserOperation.ToString())

Grpc.Core.RpcException:“Status(StatusCode=Unknown, Detail=" unknown operation > unexpected EOF")”

Can you help me

How about .NET Core 2.2?

cnryb commented

On .NET Core 2.2.300, has the same exception.

cnryb commented

ubuntu 18.04
.net core 2.2.300
has the same exception.

@cnryb Sorry, I didn't look at your code carefully. 😉
Just use removeUserOperation.ToByteString() instead of ByteString.CopyFromUtf8().

cnryb commented

You are right.