
State of framework & looking for contributors!!

philprime opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there, many of you already know me, but I am the original creator and lead-maintainer of TPPDF.

I started the project in 2016 as I was in need of creating PDFs in a recipe management app. Over the years I continued working on TPPDF, even tough said app doesn't even exist anymore.

Ever since then I unfortunately never had a real use case in my projects again. Therefore working on the framework is mostly done next to other projects and time is rather scarce. I do enjoy working on TPPDF, as I believe this sophisticated, free PDF generation solution should have existed way earlier than when I started working on it.

Now that I only have limited time to invest, I am asking YOU, all active users/contributors of this framework, to help me out:

  • Please, open up more issues if you encounter new bugs.
  • Please, comment/mark duplicate issues, so I can close them and keep a clean state.
  • Please, add as much information as possible when opening up issues. Especially a working code example any developer can download, test and directly reproduce the issue makes it way easier to invest time.
  • Please, (if possible) let me know you are using the project/add your app to the list. It keeps any developer (not only myself) more motivated to keep working, as it is almost impossible to track, how many users actually use/rely on the framework.

...and also most importantly:

  • Please, create Pull-Requests! If I don't find the time to investigate an issue, but you already found a solution, let me know in the comments. I will review all code, so we can keep the quality and I will give feedback to your contribution. If necessary we will start a discussion, to get the most out of it. (FYI, there is no bad code, just different levels of experience. So don't worry too much about that). Also a big help is clarifying method names and documentation!

I also want you to know, that we are not developing TPPDF to be a commercial solution (only derivatives of it), but instead because of our believes in Open Source software. As it hardly generates any money, I can't give it the highest priority and only work on it on the side of my every-day tasks.

I am very thankful to anyone who has donated before, or will in the future! No matter how much, I always have and always will see it as a token of appreciation, and be grateful! ❤️

If you have a time-critical issue or a need of consulting, that should to be resolved in a closer future, I can give you professional paid support, so please reach out to me either on Twitter @philprimes or on our website

Hopefully this gives you a little more insight in what's going on, and why the development of the framework seems to be stale.

Thank you so much for your understanding!

Best regards,


After struggling with pdf generation from WKWebView for a long time now I was relieved to come across your project. I've only played around with it for a little bit but it's already achieved what I need it to.
I can't thank you enough for creating this!
You've got yourself sponsor ❤️

P.S. For others out there who gain value from this, please also consider sponsoring this project for as little as the cost of 1 coffee a month.

@ptrkstr Thank you so much!!

Super valuable project for me. I sponsored. I'm just getting started with it, but it's a very well done framework. Thanks so much Phil!