
postgres: null value in column "serial" violates not-null constraint

Closed this issue · 2 comments

jfhr commented

I get the below error when running dmarcts-report-parser using a postgres database. The database connection itself is working and the tables were created, but inserting any records fails.

DBD::Pg::db last_insert_id failed: No suitable column found for last_insert_id of table "report" at ./ line 866.
Use of uninitialized value $serial in concatenation (.) or string at ./ line 868.
single record
DBD::Pg::db do failed: ERROR:  null value in column "serial" violates not-null constraint

I've attached my configuration below:

Click to expand
### configuration ##############################################################

# If IMAP access is not used, config options starting with $imap do not need to
# be set and are ignored.

$debug = 0;
$delete_reports = 0;

# Supported types: mysql, Pg. If unset, defaults to mysql
$dbtype = 'Pg';
$dbname = 'dmarc';
$dbuser = 'dmarc';
$dbpass = '***';
$dbhost = 'localhost'; # Set the hostname if we can't connect to the local socket.
$dbport = '5432';

$imapserver       = '';
$imapuser         = '';
$imappass         = '***';
$imapport         = '993';
$imapssl          = '1';        # If set to 1, remember to change server port to 993 and disable imaptls.
$imaptls          = '0';        # Enabled as the default and best-practice.
$tlsverify        = '1';        # Enable verify server cert as the default and best-practice.
$imapignoreerror  = '0';          # set it to 1 if you see an "ERROR: message_string() 
                                # expected 119613 bytes but received 81873 you may 
                                # need the IgnoreSizeErrors option" because of malfunction
                                # imap server as MS Exchange 2007, ...
$imapreadfolder   = 'DMARC Reports';

# If $imapmovefolder is set, processed IMAP messages will be moved (overruled by
# the --delete option!)
$imapmovefolder = 'DMARC Reports/Processed';

# If $imapmovefoldererr is set, IMAP messages that fail will be moved. If unset, failed messages
# will move to $imapmovefolder (if it is set). Overruled by the --delete option!
$imapmovefoldererr = 'Inbox.notProcessed';

# maximum size of XML files to store in database, long files can cause transaction aborts
$maxsize_xml = 50000;
# store XML as base64 encopded gzip in database (save space, harder usable)
$compress_xml = 0;

# if there was an error during file processing (message does not contain XML or ZIP parts, 
# or a database error) the parser reports an error and does not delete the file, even if 
# delete_reports is set (or --delete is given). Deletion can be enforced by delete_failed, 
# however not for database errors.
$delete_failed = 0;

Any idea what might be going wrong? thanks!

Did you find a solution? I don't have a postgres setup to debug against. Most of the relates submission has been from users.

jfhr commented

I didn't find a solution, but I switched to MySQL which works well.