
IMAP Failure: 1 BAD Command received in Invalid state

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I am fairly new to DMARC and perl, so when this appear I feel totally lost.
The .conf file looks as this:

$debug = 0;
$delete_reports = 0;

$dbname = 'dmarc_mots_local';
$dbuser = 'dmarc_mots_local';
$dbpass = '4gj47ryO';
$dbhost = 'localhost'; # Set the hostname if we can't connect to the local socket.

$imapserver = 'mailserver:993';
$imapuser = 'user';
$imappass = 'password';
$imapssl = '1'; # If set to 1, remember to change server port to 993.
$imaptls = '1'; # Enabled as the default and best-practice.
$imapreadfolder = 'Inbox';

$imapmovefolder = 'Inbox.processed';

$maxsize_xml = 50000;
$compress_xml = 0;
$delete_failed = 0;

The error message I get when I try to run the .pl file:

IMAP Failure: 1 BAD Command received in Invalid state. at ./ line 185.

The error occurs while connecting to your mail server. Try turning on debug and look in the logfiles of your mailserver. Check also your login and password and ssl/tls options. For helping you should also say what mailserver you use.

Thanks. For some reason, the server lock the user when I try to connect with it. That problem is now solved.
I am running Exchange 2013.