The fat-free ID3-only MPEG2TS segment generator library!
As a library (into your fancy project):
$> npm install @brightcove/id3-ts-lib
const fs = require('fs');
// The whole library exposes just a single function:
const generateID3Segment = require('id3-ts-lib');
// If a PID is falsey, then that track will not be included in the generated PMT
const options = {
pmtPid: 0x100,
id3Pid: 0x103,
videoPid: null,
audioPid: null,
id3PTS: 282743,
data: 'This is just some example payload...',
// The function returns a promise that resolves to a buffer
generateID3Segment(options).then((segment) => {
fs.writeSync('test.ts', segment);
As a very rudimentary executable:
$> npm install -g @brightcove/id3-ts-lib
$> id3-ts 'This is just some example payload...' > test.ts
The entire segment construction process is performed using a single Buffer allocation. All operations are done in place including the ID3-creation which is "chunked" so that the ID3 can be created in-place "around" the TS packet headers. As a result, this code can generate an entire segment for a 4kb payload in about 9.6µs!