
Use with Resler ?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Ted, I am a bit late to the party on this, but hope you are still working on/with this. What changes do i have to make to your libraries / code to get all this to work with a resler interface? Thanks Tim


My apologies for the late response! You will have to rewrite https://github.com/tedsalmon/DroidIBus/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/ibus/droidibus/ibus/IBusMessageService.java to be compatible with whatever library you're using to communicate with the Resler interface. If you know what library you're going to use, please link it and I will be able to give you a better response.

Our of curiosity, what android device do you plan on using in the vehicle? I've given up on the N7 because I'm afraid the battery will go over temp and explode on summer days here in the desert.


Hi Ted

I am hoping to get something working through AppInventor, it is just a case of joining the dots (easier said than done!).

In terms of devices, for me, it is just a case of creating a working solution with AppInventor (nerdy I know!) but my target is for fellow early range Rover L322 owners who have converted from the OEM infotainment interface to an Erisin Android head unit.




I keep being asked for Resler support plus the new Avin Avant 3 has a built-in Resler. I'll order an interface at some point and get started.

Looks like this library will allow interfacing with it: https://github.com/mik3y/usb-serial-for-android