
Bulk rename feature request

iconoclasthero opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm really looking for a direct replacement for Bulk Rename Utility (for Win) and the best I've found is Thunar. The functionality of Thunar is a minimum requirement for a file utility program.

Thunar's options are very basic. If I add this feature it has to be something like BRU on Windows (with a better UI).

That would be great! But in the meantime you can although use krename. With it's Regex you can do most renames. Another trys would be metamorphose or rkrenamer.

A suggestion for a feature that I miss from my Win.time long time ago, if this Modul would happen:
There was a picture viewer with the ability to graphically reorder the image files (in thumbnail view) per drag-and-drop, then select the ones you would rename and use # in the rename-pattern to get numbers based on the order of the new appearance.