
HTTPS doesn't work, and quite incomplete instructions

dchmelik opened this issue · 12 comments

I have the below; verified with './configure' and finding paths & dates on system (of my eggdrop binary, TCL) which not all people who use eggdrops know how to do that or about TCL & TLS (in fact most eggdrop users I know don't know.) I'd have appreciated a chance or such instructions to find it out last time (could be added to a page or part of your main open issue, 'Broken URLs') and instructions if one needs to do anything in eggdrop.conf (necessary in your script's description section.)

  • eggdrop 1.8.4
  • Tcl version: 8.3.5
  • SSL/TLS Support: yes (OpenSSL 1.0.2s 28 May 2019)
  • urltitle 0.11

The problem is HTTPS URLs never work (most/all HTTP ones work.) I think you were right last time it's a configuration problem, because I solved it once or twice last few years maybe somehow changing that. I just forgot and don't understand, for example, most the eggdrop.conf SSL section (didn't even recall it's related to TLS)... neither do most people I know who use eggdrops... so we need to know what to set in eggdrop.conf, not to mention different scripts use different parts of that and many/most people will have no idea which yours uses. Hundreds HTTPS URLs haven't been working over several weeks, and of course, I can't go back to get all, but below are examples of some main ones that when are pasted as their own line on IRC, nothing happens (only Google displays at HTTP.)


You need some packages for uhm tcl I think. Try tcl-tls and what not. Did a fresh setup of eggdrop not long ago, tho already forgot what was needed for https links.

You need some packages for uhm tcl I think. Try tcl-tls and what not. [...]

That's working because I have a current stable eggdrop botnet that requires TCL-TLS for netbots to work, and I currently use netbots commands probably weekly/monthly.

What is the OS? Do you have the tclcurl installed? And does it have all repository's setup..

teeli commented

Do you get any errors in eggdrop logs when trying to fetch HTTPS URLs?

I dont all urls show. That being linked that is.

I dont all urls show. That being linked that is.

It already sounded like that on your first reply, but this is my issue...

I have TCLTLS working because the bot uses it to communicate with other bots. If I recall correctly there are some TCLTLS/SSL requirements--undocumented--needed to get HTTPS working. For some reason it's working now (I may have done some updates, maybe with help) but I'm sure at any next installation, I will have forgotten, and anyone not yet an eggdrop & TCLTLS/SSL advanced expert won't know either, so there's that part of this issue...

I don't know what repositories have to do with this.

I think I remember me doing the easy way and just installed with apt build-dep eggdrop. Are you using tdom, because for some reason i remember one of the packages gave https urls showing by installing additional packages. And perhaps tclCurl.. Might allready be installed with botnets requered packages.

I avoid such (apt, newer dependency-based) package managers. I don't know if I have those libraries, but as said, it works now.

Yeah I usually do too, limited space on vps and all that. What package/packages gave the show of https then? Would be great if you named them, for the future?

[...] What package/packages gave the show of https then? [...]

Please restate?

What did you install that made https links to show?

What did you install that made https links to show?

This script? I don't know dependencies (part of more strictly Unix[-like] OSes I I use... at least on most *BSD remote shells... in case of GNU/Linux aren't Debian or newer) nor eggdrop.conf settings... those various things are what I asked to be documented...! I've almost lost count of the number of times since 2014 or earlier I setup eggdrops and have no idea what settings are needed (still don't!)