
Phalcon Authentication Server

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Padlock, Phalcon Authentication Server

Latest Version on Packagist Software License Total Downloads

Padlock is a docker-based phalcon authentication server built on top of the PHP OAuth 2.0 Server

Setting Up

  • Add the entries padlock.local and padlock-test.local and map to in your /etc/hosts file

  • Ensure you have docker installed

  • Make a copy of .env.sample to .env in the app/env/ directory and replace the values.

  • You can generate the ENCRYPTION_KEY environment variable by running php -r "echo base64_encode(random_bytes(40)) . PHP_EOL;" on the command line

  • cd into the keys directory and generate your public and private keys like so: openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048 then openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.key. These are needed for encrypting and decrypting tokens

  • You will need to change the permissions of the private and public keys you create in the previous step to the following: chgrp www-data -R keys Then chmod 600 keys/private.key

  • Feel free to change the port mappings in docker-compose.yml if you already have services running on ports 8899 for the phalcon app and 33066 for the mysql server

  • Run the app like this ./bin/start.sh or run docker-compose up -d

  • Login to mysql using the credentials host:, username: root, password:root, port: 33066

  • Create two databases: padlock_db and padlock_test_db and import the sql file found in app/db/padlock.sql into both databases

Try it out

Requesting a Token

  1. Password Grant Flow: Send a POST request to http://padlock.local:8899/api/v1/oauth/token with the following parameters:

    • client_id: test
    • client_secret: secret
    • grant_type: password
    • username: abc
    • password: abc

    NOTE: This grant returns an access token and a refresh token

  2. Client Credentials Grant Flow: Send a POST request to http://padlock.local:8899/api/v1/oauth/token with the following parameters:

    • client_id: test
    • client_secret: secret
    • grant_type: client_credentials

    NOTE: This grant returns only an access token

  3. Refresh Token Grant: Send a POST request to http://padlock.local:8899/api/v1/oauth/token with the following parameters:

    • client_id: test
    • client_secret: secret
    • grant_type: refresh_token
    • refresh_token: value gotten from any flow that returns a refresh token (e.g password grant flow)

    NOTE: This grant returns another access token and refresh token and invalidates/revokes the previous ones

  4. Implicit Grant: Send a GET request to http://padlock.local:8899/api/v1/oauth/authorize with the following parameters:

    • client_id: test
    • response_type: token
    • state: a random string (optional)
    • redirect_uri: http://www.test.com (optional)

    NOTE: This grant returns an access token immediately. It does not return a refresh token.

  5. Authorization Code Grant: Send a GET request to http://padlock.local:8899/api/v1/oauth/authorize with the following parameters:

    • client_id: test
    • response_type: code
    • state: a random string (optional)
    • redirect_uri: http://www.test.com (optional)

    NOTE: This grant returns an authorization code that is then used to request for a token by sending a POST request to the endpoint http://padlock.local:8899/api/v1/oauth/token with the following parameters:

    • client_id: test
    • client_secret: secret
    • grant_type: authorization_code
    • code: value gotten from the get request
    • redirect_uri: http://www.test.com (optional)

Validating a Token

Send a POST request to http://padlock.local:8899/api/v1/oauth/token/validate with an Authorization header whose value is Bearer {access_token}

Running Tests

  • Make a copy of .env.sample to .env.test in the app/env/ directory and replace the values.

  • Login to the app container using ./bin/login.sh or run docker exec -it padlock_app bash

  • Execute unit tests ./unit-test.sh (uses PHPUnit)

  • Run integration tests using ./integration-test.sh (uses Codeception)


Via Composer

$ composer require tegaphilip/padlock

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.
