
[Feature Request] Loading modal

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Sometimes, the transition of stepping forward is not instantaneous. For instance, in my application when the user presses first step's "next" button I fetch some data over a database. Depending on the amount of data, this operation may last from 2 seconds to 10 -and we all know how desperate users are- until the Step 2 is shown.

It would be great if a modal is shown just after pressing the next button and until the next step is shown.

The thing is that glueing up steps is a bit complicated, as each step is built solely and added at the same time. How hard would this new feature to include in it?

Thanks for reading me.

I'm not 100% sure I understood the problem here, but I think this kind of a feature should not be part of the Wizards add-on. Instead you could construct your wizard step in such a way that it is displayed immediately and it would show a loading spinner until the database query has returned the results.

Notice that in Vaadin you need to either use server push or do some polling in order to apply UI changes from a background thread.

Feel free to reopen this ticket if I misunderstood something.