
Prevent multiple button clicks

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Is there any way to prevent the user from clicking several times a button? I mean, I've proven that the user can click several times a button in a short time (0,5 seconds).

Would it be possible to lock every buttons of the wizard just after the user clicks one, and then, when the new step is shown, enable every button?

Perhaps it'd be a nice feature to add a modal window (loading) to appear when a button is clicked, and hide it when the new Step is shown.

Created a PaceMaker class for that:

 * JetPlaceMaker to use for Action/Function calls regulation
 * For example to prevent fast clicking causing multiple calls
public class JetPaceMaker
    // default minimal time between 2 calls
    private long minimalInterval = 1000;
    private LocalDateTime lastCallTime = LocalDateTime.now();

    public JetPaceMaker() {}
    public JetPaceMaker(long interval)

    public boolean CanDoActionNow()
        LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime.now();
        long diffInMilli = java.time.Duration.between(lastCallTime, now).toMillis();
        // remember last call time
        // return TRUE when enough time elapsed
        if (diffInMilli >= minimalInterval)
            return true;
            Notification.show("Slow down please...");
        return false;

Then, modified Wizard Class code adding a private PaceMaker

// Use JetPaceMaker to prevent fast clicks on Wizard Buttons
private JetPaceMaker fastClickPrevention = new JetPaceMaker();

And using it to control clicks pace (for each button. Here the 'Next' button change)

private void initControlButtons()
    nextButton = new Button("Next");
        new Button.ClickListener()
            public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event)
                if( fastClickPrevention.CanDoActionNow() )