
New Line from resource bundle in Wizardsteps

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Hi there, so I am using Vaadin 8 and I am trying to create a step-caption with a line-break. Simple as this sounds, it seems not to work. I tried \n, <br>, <br />, and this approach .

My getCaption looks like this:

    public String getCaption() {
        return MyUI.getCurrent().getResString("view.event.step1.title");

And the resource bundle like this:
view.event.step1.title=This is my too long

So after looking at the code of this plugin, would it be possible to change WizardProgressbar.Java's "createCaptionLabel" method to use ContentMode.HTML as stated here? https://vaadin.com/forum/message/9327916 I think this would do the trick.

Would be absolutely great!

If there's another way, would be nice to tell me ;) thanks!