
doctests fail

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Currently there are failing two tests: Especially the second test is important. Is it a typo?

File "ipcalc.py", line 361, in ipcalc.IP.clone
Failed example:



<ipcalc.IP object at 0xb7d4d18c>


<ipcalc.IP object at 0x980504c>

File "ipcalc.py", line 534, in ipcalc.Network.iter
Failed example:

for ip in Network(''):
    print str(ip)

Exception raised:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 1254, in __run
    compileflags, 1) in test.globs
  File "<doctest ipcalc.Network.__iter__[0]>", line 1, in <module>
    for ip in Network(''):
  File "ipcalc.py", line 161, in __init__
    self.ip = self._dqtoi(ip)
  File "ipcalc.py", line 301, in _dqtoi
    raise ValueError, "%r: IPv4 address invalid: more than 4 bytes" % dq
ValueError: '': IPv4 address invalid: more than 4 bytes

2 items had failures:
1 of 2 in ipcalc.IP.clone
1 of 1 in ipcalc.Network.__iter__
_Test Failed_ 2 failures.