broken API for calc_checksum
lestofante opened this issue · 1 comments
lestofante commented
the example for checksum is simply:
csum = modem.calc_checksum('hello')
but this cause error:
return (sum(data) + checksum) % 256
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
quick fix:
return (sum(data) + checksum) % 256
should instead be
csum = sum(bytearray('hello', "utf-8")) % 256
or the API should be changed to
csum = modem.calc_checksum(bytearray('hello'))
jquast commented
The example in the API docs was for python2 syntax, I've changed 'hello'
to b'hello'
and the example works fine, thanks.