
Implements JSON RPC v2 protocol over window.postMessage transport providing sandboxed iFrames a secure/restricted communication mechanism.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Implements JSON RPC v2 protocol over window.postMessage transport providing sandboxed iFrames a secure/restricted communication mechanism.

In addition to responding to registered RCP's, the server can publish notifications to clients. Clients can subscribe to notifications they are interested in.

PostRPC is distributed as two separate javascript bundles. One for the server, and one for the client. Bundles are in Universal Module Definition (UMD) format and should work in most modern browsers.








$ npm i @zenginehq/post-rpc-server

The library is delivered in UMD, so it is available in your project via

import { Server } from '@zenginehq/post-rpc-server';


const Server = window.PostRPC.Server;

The server library needs to be loaded into the parent window. Once the page is loaded (DOM loaded and parsed), you would instantiate a server instance with the domain that the target child iframe window is loaded from:

const server = new window.PostRPC.Server('http://localhost:5001');

Registering RPC's

In order to respond to client RPC requests, the server must register each RPC method, describing it and binding it to a function:

server.register('add',[['a', 'Number'], ['b', 'Number']], 'Number', add, 'Calculate the sum of two numbers');

server.register('subtract', [['a', 'Number'], ['b', 'Number']], 'Number', subtract, 'Calculate the difference between two numbers');

server.register('multiply', [['a', 'Number'], ['b', 'Number']], 'Number', multiply, 'Calculate the product of two numbers');

server.register('divide', [['a', 'Number'], ['b', 'Number']], 'Number', divide, 'Calculate the divsion of two numbers');

server.register('digits', [['num', 'Number'], ['n', 'Number']], 'Number', digits, 'Set the precicion for a number');

server.register('getForms', [['version', 'Number'], ['workspaceID', 'Number']], 'Array', getForms, 'Get a list of forms for a workspace');

server.register('getRecords', [['version', 'Number'], ['formID', 'Number']], 'Array', getRecords, 'Get a batch of record for a form');

server.register('getWithConfig', [['config', 'Object'], ['id', 'Number']], 'Array', getRecords, 'Get a thing with config');

The register method takes three parameters. First is the name of the RPC method. The second is an array describing the parameters required by the RPC. The third parameter describes the RPC return type. The final parameter is the function in the servers namespace that performs the work of the RPC.

Supported parameter and return types include:


If the return type is an object it may contain members that correspond to any of the other return types (except Promise). It may also contain nested members. It must not, however, contain any self-referential members as it would not be serializable.

The registered function may if needed return a promise to PostRPC.Server when called. If so, it must resolve or reject to the actual result/error. The promise itself is not sent through postMessage transport as it and it's resolve/reject handlers are not serializable. The promise will be held by PostRPCServer until it resolves/rejects and the corresponding result/error will be forwarded through postMessage to PostRPC.Client.

Starting the Server

After all RPC's are register, you must start the server, so that it begins handling postMessage events on the parent window:


Publishing Notifications

Once the server has started, it wil process valid client requests for any registered RPC.

At any time while the server is running, it may optionally publish notifications to clients running in child iframes:

server.publish('something', {stuff: 'Of interest if anyone cares'});

You may optional enable server logging to console for debugging client/server communication:




$ npm i @zenginehq/post-rpc-client

The library is delivered in UMD, so it is available in your project via

import { Client } from '@zenginehq/post-rpc-client';


const Client = window.PostRPC.Client;

The client library needs to be loaded into each child iFrame window in order to make RPC calls or listen to server notifications. Once the iFrame is loaded (DOM loaded and parsed), you would instantiate a client instance with the domain that the parent window is loaded from:

const client = new Client('http://localhost:5001');

Starting the Client

After the client is instantiated, you must start the client, so that it begins handling postMessage events on the child iFrame window:


Calling RPC's

Now the client may call registered RPC's on the server:

client.call('add', {a: 2, b: 2}, function(result, error) {
 	display('add 2 + 2', result, error);

If prefered, you can work with promises instead:

client.call('subtract', {a: 11, b: -8})
.then(function(result) {
	display('subtract 11 - -8', result, null);
.catch(function(error) {
	display('subtract 11 - -8', null, error);

Subscribing to Notifications

At any time while the client is running, it may optionally subscribe to notifications from the server running in the parent window:

client.subscribe('changed', function(result, error) {
	display(result, error);

When notifications are broadcast, subscribing clients will have their callback invoked with the notification response.

You may optional enable client logging to console for debugging client/server communication:



This project is a Lerna Monorepo, so consult the Lerna docs for command-specific information.

Server and Client libraries are built by webpack as UMD modules.

To develop locally:

# prepare project
git clone [your-fork-plz] ... && cd post-rpc
lerna bootstrap --hoist

# build project
lerna run build

# watch and rebuild project on changes
lerna run watch

# change output directory of server library by setting this absolute path variable
POSTRPC_SERVER_OUTPUT_PATH='/Users/my-name/path/to/dest/of/post-rpc-server' lerna run watch

The POSTRPC_SERVER_OUTPUT_PATH variable is useful for working in a project that doesn't handle symlinks well, otherwise you can cd into the package you intend to use locally (packages/client or packages/server) and simply use npm link in conjunction with lerna run watch.

To npm link, cd into each package directory and npm link there.

After making changes, run npm test at the project root. (This needs improvement.)

Make your PR to Wizehive/post-rpc#master

If you have permissions to publish, pull latest master and run lerna publish.

Wizehive devs should consult Guru for more publishing instructions.