
Requesting update of python SDK

Closed this issue · 6 comments

The python SDK seems outdated.
I performed the following steps:

  1. Installed tekton pipeline through pip (EDIT: I installed it through pipenv, which used pip)
  2. Checked cat $HOME/.local/share/virtualenvs/tekton-N7PaS6py/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tekton_pipeline/api/tekton_client.py

The get code:

 def get(self, name, plural, namespace=None):
        Get the Tekton objects
        :param name: existing Tekton objects
        :param plural: the custom object's plural name.
        :param namespace: defaults to current or default namespace
        :return: Tekton objects
        if namespace is None:
            namespace = utils.get_default_target_namespace()
            outputs = self.api_instance.create_namespaced_custom_object(
        except client.rest.ApiException as e:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Exception when calling CustomObjectsApi->create_namespaced_custom_object:\
                 %s\n" % e)

        return outputs

However, the current version in master has the following code for the same function:

def get(self, entity, name, namespace=None, watch=False, timeout_seconds=600):
        Get the Tekton objects
        :param entity: the tekton entity, currently supported values: ['task', 'taskrun', 'pipeline', 'pipelinerun'].
        :param name: existing Tekton objects
        :param namespace: defaults to current or default namespace
        :return: Tekton objects


        if namespace is None:
            namespace = utils.get_default_target_namespace()

        plural = str(entity).lower() + "s"

        if watch:
                return self.api_instance.get_namespaced_custom_object(
            except client.rest.ApiException as e:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Exception when calling CustomObjectsApi->get_namespaced_custom_object:\
                    %s\n" % e)

In my use case, I was unable to get or create a task using tekton_pipeline installed through pip. I believe this is the problem.

I was able to CRUD objects when I built the library from source.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Same problem when installing from pip.

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@tekton-robot: Closing this issue.

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Can we re-open this issue? It's really hard to use this when the documentation and the code don't match up. (pip has 0.2.0 and is significantly different from master (or 0.7.0) )