
Example Problem

skarltjr opened this issue · 4 comments

Define a Task and submit

from kubernetes import client as k8s_client
from tekton_pipeline import V1beta1Task
from tekton_pipeline import V1beta1TaskSpec
from tekton_pipeline import V1beta1Step

# Define the task
task = V1beta1Task(api_version='tekton.dev/v1beta1',
                              script='sleep 30;echo "This is a sdk demo."')]

# Submit the task to cluster
tekton_client.create(entity='task', body=task, namespace='default')
  • Actually, this sample doesn't work, I think the kind should be 'Task'
  • tekton_client.create(entity='task', body=task, namespace='default')'s parameters don't work too, so i used this method like this
    pipeline = V1beta1Pipeline(
            workspaces = [
                V1beta1PipelineWorkspaceDeclaration(name = 'pipeline-shared-data')
                    params = [
                        V1beta1Param(name = 'url',value = gitAddress),
                        V1beta1Param(name = 'revision',value = 'main'),
                        V1beta1Param(name = 'deleteExisting',value = 'true')
                        V1beta1WorkspacePipelineTaskBinding(name = 'output', workspace = 'pipeline-shared-data')
                    name = 'build-image',
                    run_after = ['git-clone'],
                    task_ref = V1beta1TaskRef(name ='buildah'),
                    params = [
                        V1beta1Param(name = 'IMAGE',value = f'{dockerRegistry}:$(tasks.git-clone.results.commit)')
                        V1beta1WorkspacePipelineTaskBinding(name = 'source', workspace = 'pipeline-shared-data')

    # Create the pipeline
    tekton_client.create(tekton=pipeline, namespace='default')

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/lifecycle stale

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Stale issues rot after 30d of inactivity.
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/lifecycle rotten

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If this issue should be exempted, mark the issue as frozen with /lifecycle frozen with a justification.


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@tekton-robot: Closing this issue.

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Rotten issues close after 30d of inactivity.
Reopen the issue with /reopen with a justification.
Mark the issue as fresh with /remove-lifecycle rotten with a justification.
If this issue should be exempted, mark the issue as frozen with /lifecycle frozen with a justification.


Send feedback to tektoncd/plumbing.

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