
QUESTION - hub.tekton.dev - NexusIQ Task

Closed this issue · 7 comments

We recently added a task to the Tekton Catalog. When does the hub.tekton.dev get updated to reflect these additions?

In Tekton Hub we internally have a cron job which refreshes the catalog after every 30 min, so whenever a new task is added in the catalog after 30 mins it will be reflected on Hub

@PuneetPunamiya , thank you. We had a PR merged for a Nexus Lifecycle task a couple of weeks ago. Do I need to modify it somehow for it to pick up in the cron job?

Task -> https://github.com/tektoncd/catalog/tree/main/task/nexus-lifecycle-scan/0.1

@BillBensing thanks for bringing this up, so actually the way the task is submitted in the catalog doesn't meet all the requirements mention in TEP-003 and that is why the resource is not been getting added in the database and hence it is not been reflected on hub.tekton.dev.
There are actual two reason why the resource is not getting added in database and they are

I'll submit a patch for it in catalog 👍🏻

I have submitted a patch for this tektoncd/catalog#1060
Thanks 🙂

Now you can see the task on hub.tekton.dev --> https://hub.tekton.dev/tekton/task/nexus-lifecycle-scan

@PuneetPunamiya , thank you very much for pointing me to the mistake! Also, many more thanks for the patch!

A good day, I learned what I did wrong.