
Provide ability to add additional environment variables, volumes and volumeMounts to Chains Controller

sabre1041 opened this issue · 2 comments

Feature request

Provide the ability to customize aspects of the Tekton Chains controller. In particular:L

  • Environment Variables
  • Volume/VolumeMounts

Use case

SPIFFE is one of the supported methods by Sigstore for providing identities to workloads. As the Tekton Chains controller represents a workload that manages signing content, the Deployment needs to be augmented with the tooling to integrate SPIFFE. In this case, it requires additional volume/volumeMounts and environment variables to be added to the Tekton Chains Controller.

Since other aspects of Tekton are customizable from within the TektonConfig resource, such as pipelines, similar capability/functionality should be provided for Tekton Chains as well.

@sabre1041 we have a field called options. it is available for all the components.
Can you please have a look on https://tekton.dev/docs/operator/tektonconfig/#additional-fields-as-options ?
I hope options can satisfy your request.

@jkandasa options worked like a charm! Thanks for pointing it out!