
Helm chart is lagging from the release, and can't be used along with ArgoCD

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Feature request

We are currently copypasting the chart locally, because we can't somehow install the helm chart in a Helmfile (two colleagues paired up to try and they failed, seemeingly because it's using the git protocol).

Nevertheless, right now the chart version is 0.71, even so when three weeks ago the version 0.72 was released... Please, could we have it also here updated?

Use case

Ease the DevOps work for engineers using Helm

@GeiserX can you please take a look on https://github.com/tektoncd/operator/releases/tag/tekton-operator-0.72.0 ?
it is 0.72.0 release for helm chart

Hi @jkandasa :)

That's exactly the matter about this issue: It's present there but not here
We currently are using v0.71.0 just because of that. I know I could download the source files from there and aggregate a proper solution but... Could you update it there as well? I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you so much for your effort