[BUG]: Timeout Error on Subsequent USB TMC Connections to the Oscilloscope.
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Description of the bug
Timeout Error on Subsequent USB TMC Connections to the Oscilloscope.
Affected Model: MSO 4 series Oscilloscopes.
The API behaves as expected during the initial connection; however, upon subsequent USB TMC connections to the oscilloscope, an unexpected timeout error occurs, contrasting with the behavior observed in connections through PyVisa.
Steps To Reproduce
- Connect the oscilloscope to the system through USB TMC connection.
- Create a driver object named "scope" for any of the affected models.
- Use the "scope" driver object query the following API:
- Close the connection.
- Repeat steps 1-3, observe the error.
Environment Information
Operating System:
- Windows 10, 64-bit
Software Version:
- tm-devices : 0.1.24
Connection type
Additional Information
This error arises during the execution of consecutive scripts, not in the context of successive API calls.
This is resolved in version of tm_devices v(1.2.1)
Ensure to use SYSTEM_DEFAULT_BACKEND_VISA as the visa library of device manager, as Py Visa-PY is not supporting USB connection.
The different connection modes and compatible visa backend are mentioned in official documentation of tm_devices.
tm_devices: Test & Measurement Device Management — tm_devices documentation (tektronix.github.io)