
[BUG]: Timeout Error on Subsequent USB TMC Connections to the Oscilloscope.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Description of the bug

Timeout Error on Subsequent USB TMC Connections to the Oscilloscope.

Affected Model: MSO 4 series Oscilloscopes.

The API behaves as expected during the initial connection; however, upon subsequent USB TMC connections to the oscilloscope, an unexpected timeout error occurs, contrasting with the behavior observed in connections through PyVisa.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Connect the oscilloscope to the system through USB TMC connection.
  2. Create a driver object named "scope" for any of the affected models.
  3. Use the "scope" driver object query the following API:
  4. Close the connection.
  5. Repeat steps 1-3, observe the error.

Environment Information

Operating System:

  • Windows 10, 64-bit

Software Version:

  • tm-devices : 0.1.24

Connection type


Additional Information

This error arises during the execution of consecutive scripts, not in the context of successive API calls.

This seems like it may be related to #129

This is resolved in version of tm_devices v(1.2.1)

Ensure to use SYSTEM_DEFAULT_BACKEND_VISA as the visa library of device manager, as Py Visa-PY is not supporting USB connection.
The different connection modes and compatible visa backend are mentioned in official documentation of tm_devices.
tm_devices: Test & Measurement Device Management — tm_devices documentation (tektronix.github.io)