
entity coherence checking tool

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Python script to check orion DB entity inconsistencies. In particular, the following rules would be taken into account:

Rules to check:

  • Rule 10: _id field consistency
  • Rule 11: mandatory fields in entity
  • Rule 12: mandatory fields in attribute
  • Rule 13: attrNames field consistency
  • Rule 14: mdNames field consistency
  • Rule 15: not swapped subkeys in _id
  • Rule 16: location field consistency
  • Rule 17: lastCorrelator existence
  • Rule 20: entity id syntax
  • Rule 21: entity type syntax
  • Rule 22: entity servicePath syntax
  • Rule 23: attribute name syntax
  • Rule 24: attribute type syntax
  • Rule 25: metadata name syntax
  • Rule 26: metadata type syntax
  • Rule 90: detect usage of geo:x attribute type where x different from json
  • Rule 91: detect usage of more than one legacy location metadata
  • Rule 92: detect legacy location metadata should be WGS84 or WSG84
  • Rule 93: detect usage of redundant legacy location
  • Rule 94: detect usage of not redundant legacy location

For Rules 20-26:

Entity datamodel:

The script in PR #4048 could be also integrated in the new script.

Rule 15 is special, as it is not individually checked on every entity. The following aggregation pipeline will help to detect violations:

db.entities.aggregate([{$group: { _id: {"id": "$", "type": "$_id.type", "servicePath": "$_id.servicePath"}, count: {$sum: 1} }}, {$match: {count: {$gt: 1}}}])