
Possible conflict with real .public TLD

Kagami opened this issue · 2 comments

Sorry if it was already answered somewhere.

Is it safe to use such specific TLD for very private kind of things? Would it be ok if at some day the real .public TLD be registered?
Have you considered using some sort of reserved domains? Yes, I know, a lot of software such as Tor introduce their own private TLD but I think it could be very confusing to have «real» and «private» TLDs at the same time. Like it was with Hamachi for example.

I considered this, but I'm not worried since all .public addresses are unique hashnames, there can't be a conflict with any future real TLD unless someone actually registered their hashname (which would just make it doubly-resovable). If one is introduced, all .public resolvers will first try the DHT and fallback to a normal DNS resolution.

Interesting, thanks.