inventory - how to map host vars to ansible vars
zatroa opened this issue · 4 comments
doing a
ansible-inventory -v --list -i icinga_director_inventory.yml
I see
"_meta": {
"hostvars": {
"host1.tld": {
"accept_config": true,
"address": "host1.tld",
"has_agent": true,
"imports": [
"master_should_connect": true,
"object_name": "host1.tld",
"object_type": "object",
"vars": {
"ssh_port": "2222"
My question is how to map the "vars.ssh_port" to "ansible_port" ?
I would be fine to do this by adding
ansible_port: vars.ssh_port`
to the "icinga_director_inventory.yml" file.
I'll need to check that. :)
I got a working (fo rme at least) implementation in the branch "compose_keyed_groups" here:
Can you please test it?
I'd also like to create some integration-tests for the inventory-module, but feel free to use the current implementation. :)
I have tested. It works.
Thank you a lot for your fast help. Let your great work going on. :-)