
Provide more Director modules

Opened this issue · 9 comments

There are configurations one can do with the director that are currently not possible to do with our collection:

  • Service Sets
  • External Commands info-module (external commands aren't supposed to be edited with the director)
  • Dependency Apply Rules
  • User Groups
  • Time Period Templates
  • Import Sources
  • Sync Rules
  • Jobs
  • ApiUsers info-module (external objects aren't supposed to be edited with the director)
  • Data Fields
  • Data lists

I don't know wether all of these can (or should) be made possible via Ansible so we have to find out!

Is there any plan from your site to add dependency apply rules soon? Otherwise, I will give a try
Dependency Apply Rules(apply) needs a dependency_templates(template) as import.

Not really from my side as I don't need them currently.

If you want to work on it, that'd be great. I can help you there, of course.

Additional Feature Idea:

  • host template
    • Add Possibility to Generate self service key from GenerateSelfServiceAPIkey in Host Tempaltes after generating them.

It would be nice to have scheduled-downtime added.

Scheduled Downtimes are already added, @mdicss.

Scheduled Downtimes are already added, @mdicss.

Fine! Sorry, I first didn't see it in the docs folder. @rndmh3ro

are the open todos still up to date or am I missing something? I just checked and saw that there is a script for Service Sets for example. Maybe I could do something and add a missing Object.

Hey @flkhndlr,

the service sets are indeed done, the other things are still open. You can pick anything you like and start working on it.

If you need help, please open a new issue for it or a PR. :)