
Integrate a Release Notes Comparison tool for the DevTools documentations

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This is an idea discussed some years ago. Due to then low priority, it was not elaborated on.

However, I'm logging this issue for future reference with regard to the gatsby integration.

Summary of the Release notes tool (change log) idea:

  • Applicable Scenarios
    • Check/filter changes/features/bug fixes between the old and new version
    • Filter by component to follow the growth of a suite/control, especially for aggressively and rapidly expanding Blazor, Angular and React suites.
  • Interactive Tool in the Documentation
  • Uses the Kendo UI Controls
    • Note1: Kendo version has to be upgraded to R1 2020 or later
    • Note2: Due to conflict in styles with the navigation treeview, custom styles are used, as a sneak peek of the upcoming FrontEnd effort to allow Kendo widgets with different themes on the same page
    • Applicable for all suites using docs-seed, Kendo Angular and Kendo React would need a bit of an adaptation for their K3 site
  • Design-Related

FYI @pepinho24