
RadMaskedInput IpAddress sample: broken paste functionality

stilettk opened this issue · 3 comments

RadMaskedInput, IpAddress sample.
If you paste "" in the address field, it will result in "111.1.." instead of ""

The RadMaskedInput controls don't support IP address validation out of the box. You can find a runnable solution that demonstrates RadMaskedInput control that accepts an IP address in our GitHub repository. In your case, you can manually validate the copied IpAddress before pasting it into the mask.

I understand this. But I think that example must be fully functional so that people could use it.

Hi stilettk,

Thank you for your feedback. Indeed there could be cases in which the provided example could not cover. But we think this SDK example is a good starting for achieving your final behavior.

I am happy to inform you that with the latest version of our controls we have added Regex Validation to the RadMaskedTextInput control. The regex validation feature provides out of the box validation for Email and IP address.