
Error in read()ing first: Invalid argument

Opened this issue · 2 comments

GPM is failing to give mouse support in console with the following error:

*** err [daemon/getmousedata.c(47)]:
Error in read()ing first: Invalid argument

I am using Gentoo. I have two mice. A Logitech USB mouse and touchpad. Device nodes are created in /dev/input/event5 and /dev/input/event6. I have tested them with libinput debug-events. They are working just fine so I think kernel drivers are ok.

-event2   DEVICE_ADDED     Power Button                      seat0 default group1  cap:k
-event3   DEVICE_ADDED     Video Bus                         seat0 default group2  cap:k
-event0   DEVICE_ADDED     Lid Switch                        seat0 default group3  cap:S
-event1   DEVICE_ADDED     Sleep Button                      seat0 default group4  cap:k
-event5   DEVICE_ADDED     Logitech USB Optical Mouse        seat0 default group5  cap:p left scroll-nat scroll-button
-event4   DEVICE_ADDED     AT Translated Set 2 keyboard      seat0 default group6  cap:k
-event6   DEVICE_ADDED     SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad        seat0 default group7  cap:pg  size 100x76mm tap(dl off) left scroll-nat scroll-2fg-edge click-buttonareas-clickfinger dwt-on
-event7   DEVICE_ADDED     TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint             seat0 default group8  cap:p left scroll-nat scroll-button
-event5   POINTER_BUTTON    +2.36s      BTN_LEFT (272) pressed, seat count: 1
 event5   POINTER_BUTTON    +2.41s      BTN_LEFT (272) released, seat count: 0
 event5   POINTER_BUTTON    +4.56s      BTN_RIGHT (273) pressed, seat count: 1
 event5   POINTER_BUTTON    +4.66s      BTN_RIGHT (273) released, seat count: 0
 event5   POINTER_MOTION    +6.72s        0.31/ -0.31 ( +1.00/ -1.00)
 event5   POINTER_MOTION    +6.72s        1.77/ -1.77 ( +2.00/ -2.00)
 event5   POINTER_MOTION    +6.73s        4.19/ -1.05 ( +4.00/ -1.00)

GPM configuration file:

# /etc/init.d/gpm

# Please uncomment the type of mouse you have and the appropriate MOUSEDEV entry


# Extra settings


# Please uncomment this line if you want gpm to understand charsets used
# in URLs and names with ~ or : in them, etc. This is a good idea to turn on!

APPEND="-l \"a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\""

# Various other options, see gpm(8) manpage for more.

#APPEND="-g 1 -A60"
#APPEND="-l \"a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\" -g 1 -A60"

After invoking /etc/init.d/gpm start GPM starts properly. But when any mouse event occurs GPM throws above error in log file in an infinite loop and mouse doesn't work.

Same issue here! Tried all protocols!
*** err [daemon/getmousedata.c(47)]: Error in read()ing first: Invalid argument

Looks like the evdev packet size is set to 16, maybe it should be this instead?