Flow: LAG port: Flow creation has been failed due to the java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid inputPort
yuliiamir opened this issue · 1 comments
The issue has been caught during testing server42-related changes. The flow creation has been failed due to the error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid inputPort 2396. Valid range [0, 2047]
- Create LAG port.
- Create flow with this port.
Actual result:
Command <ingress-flow-segment-INSTALL{id=4f6690e0-b471-11ee-9025-9d159190cbd8, metadata=FlowSegmentMetadata(flowId=16Jan131523_973_strawberries0141, cookie=0x4000000000003DD9, multiTable=true), endpoint=switchId="00:00:00:22:3d:6b:00:7a" port=2396 vlanId=471, isl_port=7, encapsulation=FlowTransitEncapsulation(id=3927, type=TRANSIT_VLAN), meterConfig=MeterConfig(id=MeterId(value=1768), bandwidth=500)}> on 00:00:00:22:3d:6b:00:7a have failed with error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid inputPort 2396. Valid range [0, 2047] (exec time: PT0.021S)
To reproduce this issue run TC: Rtt statistic is available for a flow on a LAG port
*sometimes test passes when LAG port is in the range
It is a bug in the server42 code.
Default max logical port numbe is 2999
Pablo decreased count of port numbers in metadata from 4096 to 2048 here
KIlda pick a port number 2396 which is out of range [0, 2047] but fits in max port value 2999
That is why Kilda raised the error.
@pablomuri Please take a look