
the next website for the haus. now based on hugo, a static site generator.

Primary LanguageCSS


The new website for the Temporärhaus. Now based on Hugo, a static site generator. All the content from the old wordpress website is migrated.

How to blog

Option 1: Using User Interface (Netlify CMS)


  • GitHub account with write access to this repository


  • Visit hausweb.netlify.app/admin and sign in with your GitHub account.
  • Click New Post and enjoy writing.
  • Hit Publish when the post is ready.
  • If you leave the english translation blank, but still want the german version being displayed on the english website, you will have to create a symlink in the content/posts directory (see below).

Option 2: Using Git



  • Create a new file in content/posts, named yyyy-mm-dd-slug.de.md, for example 2016-07-01-macht-hoch-die-tuer.de.md. You may use hugo new for that, because this provides you with a nice template for your post: hugo new posts/2016-07-01-macht-hoch-die-tuer.de.md
  • To preview your post, run Hugo development server locally: hugo server. The initial build process may take a while. After that, Hugo should reload all changes automatically.
  • Media files are to be stored in the static/wp-content/uploads/yyyy/mm directory (for backwards compability with wordpress)


  • The english translation of the post goes into a identically named file, but with the suffix .en.md instead of .de.md, e.g. 2016-07-01-macht-hoch-die-tuer.en.md
  • In the frontmatter of this file, set language: en. The url or slug parameter, if set, has to be prefixed with /en/.
  • In case there is no translation (yet), consider creating a symlink to the german file, like ln -s 2016-07-01-macht-hoch-die-tuer.de.md 2016-07-01-macht-hoch-die-tuer.en.md, so that the english website shows at least the german text (related Hugo issue: gohugoio/hugo#2529).


  • Commit and push your changes to the main branch. The website is re-deployed automatically.
  • If the post is not supposed to go online yet, set draft: true in the frontmatter or consider commiting to a different branch and submitting a pull request.


  • don't embed external images