
Installing issue in Arduino board manager!

bullygram opened this issue · 2 comments

Team I am unable to install the SDuino, any help will be greatly appreciated!

Tool sduino:STM8Tools@2019.02.05 already installed Tool sduino:sdcc@build.11242 already installed Downloading packages sduino:stm8@0.5 Installing platform sduino:stm8@0.5 Failed to install platform: sduino:stm8. Error: 13 INTERNAL: Cannot install platform: installing platform sduino:stm8@0.5: searching package root dir: no unique root dir in archive, found 'C:\Users\MySuerName\AppData\Local\Arduino15\tmp\package-1130421195\STM8S_StdPeriph_Driver' and 'C:\Users\MySuerName\AppData\Local\Arduino15\tmp\package-1130421195\cores'
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Got it fixed, to install the board, use a portable version of Arduino IDE v1.8, and open the latest version of the IDE, the STM8 board is reflected in the board manager.

We can also use the old IDE but seems to be slow while compiling. but the new IDE is compiling fast!

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2024-06-11 19_32_02-Window

I confirm that installing with Arduino IDE 1.8 works, and then usable in Arduino IDE 2.1.1