
Why didn't you build the TLeague on top of ray and rllib?

johnrachwan123 opened this issue · 1 comments

Why didn't you build the TLeague on top of ray and rllib?

Hey, I'm not related anyhow to this project and just found out about it. But, as a contributor to other open source project I feel the need to point out that your "issue" comes out unnecessarily aggressive. In the same manner that they didn't have to publish their code they don't have to reply you, and if I were the owner I'd simply close your issue.

However, I'll assume that this might be an issue with translation and your intentions were simply to learn more. If so, and you actually want to know why they didn't use other existing frameworks, please provide some benefits of using these frameworks. Do you think that this project would actually benefit from it?

From my second hand experience, i.e. not mine directly but talking to others, rllib is frustrating to work with. People are complaining on breaking changes and that it isn't as flexible as they advertise. But, I really have no idea about it as I haven't used it and people tend to quickly accuse when things don't go as planned and forget to apologise when it was their mistake.