
Custom address for ABCI example app

marcofavorito opened this issue · 1 comments


Now, if I'm not wrong, the listen address of example applications (i.e. abci-cli dummy and abci-cli counter) is equal to the default (tcp://
Why don't make it settable from command line?

you should be able to use either the --addr flag or --address flag:

$ abci-cli counter -h
ABCI demo example

  abci-cli counter [flags]

      --addr string   Listen address (default "tcp://")
  -h, --help          help for counter
      --serial        Enforce incrementing (serial) transactions

Global Flags:
      --abci string        Either socket or grpc (default "socket")
      --address string     Address of application socket (default "tcp://")
      --log_level string   Set the logger level (default "debug")
  -v, --verbose            Print the command and results as if it were a console session