grpc proto errors
ebuchman opened this issue · 3 comments
ebuchman commented
In bash tests/
Running counter --abci=grpc test with abci=grpc
I[02-03|07:39:53.531] Starting ABCIServer module=abci-server impl=ABCIServer
I[02-03|07:39:53.532] Listening module=abci-server proto=tcp addr=
I[02-03|07:39:53.541] Starting grpcClient module=abcicli impl=grpcClient
I[02-03|07:39:53.542] Dialed server. Waiting for echo. module=abcicli addr=tcp://
proto: no slice oenc for *reflect.rtype = []*reflect.rtype
proto: no encoder for Tags []common.KVPair [GetProperties]
I[02-03|07:39:53.547] Stopping grpcClient module=abcicli impl=grpcClient
xiaoyuvax commented
also met the same problem,when i am trying to implement a c# version. the proto file compiles well but left me with some references unsolvled, including the common.KVPair and common.KI64Pair which are not defined but seemingly seen defined in TMlib project. "gogoproto" class or package is nowhere to find as well.
ebuchman commented
Are you using include flags when you compile ? eg like
Seems to be some kind of issue between gogo and grpc (seems to work fine when using normal socket, not grpc).
Also wondering if tendermint/tendermint#1530 is related
zramsay commented