DESCRIBE queries not working
Closed this issue · 3 comments
The current build produces an error when executing DESCRIBE queries.
I executed a simple DESCRIBE query in the docker and it worked for me. What is the exact query you are trying to execute @keski?
The dockerization shouldn't have an impact on Virtuoso's query functionality so it will probably be a bug in the query or in Virtuoso.
It's interesting that it works for you. The query was not the issue since an error was generated in all cases. When sql:describe-mode is set manually it works:
define sql:describe-mode "SPO"
I traced the issue to the Virtuoso build version, but if it worked for you perhaps its related to something else.
See also:openphacts/ops-platform-setup#10
Closing this issue as openphacts/ops-platform-setup#10 describes the way content is dumped and loaded. It seems that either upstream Virtuoso or the dump files are incompatible with this dockerized version of Virtuoso.
@keski Please reopen this issue if neither upstream nor the dump format seems to cause this behaviour. I'm monitoring openphacts/ops-platform-setup#10 in case something pops up.