
Plug doesn't work

nlpjoe opened this issue · 21 comments

I use https://github.com/wklken/k-vim

and it doesn't work that install Plug 'tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim' using PlugInstall.

What can I do?

I do as you said, but it still doesn't work:

  6 if count(g:bundle_groups, 'python')
  5     " for python.vim syntax highlight
  4     " pythonsyntax
  3     Plug 'hdima/python-syntax'
  2     Plug 'hynek/vim-python-pep8-indent'
  1     Plug 'Glench/Vim-Jinja2-Syntax'
  1     " isort  https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort#readme + https://github.com/fisadev/vim-isort#installation
  2     " pip install isort
  3     Plug 'fisadev/vim-isort'
  4     " Shift-V 上下选中, ctrl + i 规范化
  5     let g:vim_isort_map = '<C-i>'
  7     Plug 'tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim'
  8     inoremap <silent><expr> ( complete_parameter#pre_complete("()")
  9     smap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter)
 10     imap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter)
 11     smap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter)
 12     imap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter)
 13 endif

Please check your plug list.

@tenfyzhong How can I check it? I didn't find auto-pairs, here are my plugs:

- vim-textobj-line: OK                                                    |~
 11 - vim-snippets: OK                                                        |~
 10 - vim-colors-solarized: OK                                                |~
  9 - Vim-Jinja2-Syntax: OK                                                   |~
  8 - rainbow_parentheses.vim: OK                                             |~
  7 - syntastic: OK                                                           |~
  6 - ctrlp-funky: OK                                                         |~
  5 - ctrlp.vim: OK                                                           |~
  4 - tagbar: OK                                                              |~
  3 - vim-easy-align: OK                                                      |~
  2 - ctrlsf.vim: OK                                                          |~
  1 - vim-markdown: OK (not loaded)                                           |~
16  - YouCompleteMe: OK                                                       |~                                                                              1 - vim-textobj-indent: OK                                                  |~
  2 - vim-repeat: OK                                                          |~
  3 - matchit.zip: OK                                                         |~
  4 - yajs.vim: OK                                                            |~
  5 - vim-airline-themes: OK                                                  |~
  6 - vim-nerdtree-tabs: OK                                                   |~
  7 - CompleteParameter.vim: OK                                               |~
  8 - vim-airline: OK                                                         |~
  9 - delimitMate: OK                                                         |~
 10 - vim-expand-region: OK                                                   |~
 11 - vim-python-pep8-indent: OK                                              |~
 12 - vim-isort: OK                                                           |~
 13 - vim-textobj-user: OK                                                    |~
 14 - vim-quickrun: OK                                                        |~
 15 - vim-ctrlspace: OK
 18 - nerdtree: OK                                                            |~
 17 - gundo.vim: OK                                                           |~
 16 - javascript-libraries-syntax.vim: OK                                     |~
 15 - vim-fugitive: OK                                                        |~
 14 - closetag.vim: OK (not loaded)                                           |~                                                                             13 - vim-indent-guides: OK                                                   |~
 12 - molokai: OK                                                             |~
 11 - vim-gitgutter: OK                                                       |~
 10 - vim-easymotion: OK                                                      |~
  9 - ultisnips: OK                                                           |~
  8 - python-syntax: OK                                                       |~
  7 - vim-tmux-navigator: OK                                                  |~
  6 - quick-scope: OK                                                         |~
  5 - vim-textobj-entire: OK                                                  |~
  4 - vim-surround: OK                                                        |~
  3 - vim-multiple-cursors: OK                                                |~
  2 - vim-trailing-whitespace: OK                                             |~
  1 - vim-javascript: OK                                                      |~
50  - vim-signature: OK                                                       |~
  1 - nerdcommenter: OK

Check the imap ( output.

sorry I don't know what's your exactly mean, is that so?

$ cat ~/.vimrc.bundles | grep 'imap'
    imap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter)
    imap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter)
 $ cat ~/.vimrc | grep 'imap'

Run :imap ( in vim

i  <S-Tab>      @<Plug>delimitMateS-Tab
i  <S-BS>       @<Plug>delimitMateS-BS
i  <Plug>delimitMateJumpMany *@<SNR>36_TriggerAbb()."\<C-R>=delimitMate#JumpMany()\<CR>"
i  <C-G>g       @<Plug>delimitMateJumpMany
i  "            @<Plug>delimitMate"
i  '            @<Plug>delimitMate'
i  (            @<Plug>delimitMate(
i  )            @<Plug>delimitMate)
i  [            @<Plug>delimitMate[
i  ]            @<Plug>delimitMate]
i  `            @<Plug>delimitMate`
i  {            @<Plug>delimitMate{
i  }            @<Plug>delimitMate}
i  <BS>        * <SNR>155_OnDeleteChar( "\<BS>" )
i  <C-Space>   * <C-R>=<SNR>155_InvokeSemanticCompletion()<CR>
i  <Nul>         <C-Space>
i  <Plug>ISurround * <C-R>=<SNR>39_insert(1)<CR>
i  <Plug>Isurround * <C-R>=<SNR>39_insert()<CR>
i  <Plug>NERDCommenterInsert * <Space><BS><Esc>:call NERDComment('i', "insert")<CR>
i  <Plug>delimitMateS-Tab * <SNR>36_TriggerAbb()."\<C-R>=delimitMate#JumpAny()\<CR>"
i  <Plug>delimitMateSpace * <SNR>36_TriggerAbb()."\<C-R>=delimitMate#ExpandSpace()\<CR>"
i  <Plug>delimitMateCR * <SNR>36_TriggerAbb()."\<C-R>=delimitMate#ExpandReturn()\<CR>"
i  <Plug>delimitMateS-BS * delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() ? "\<Del>" : "\<S-BS>"
i  <Plug>delimitMateBS * <C-R>=delimitMate#BS()<CR>
i  <Plug>delimitMate` * <SNR>36_TriggerAbb()."<C-R>=delimitMate#QuoteDelim(\"\\\`\")<CR>"
i  <Plug>delimitMate' * <SNR>36_TriggerAbb()."<C-R>=delimitMate#QuoteDelim(\"\\\'\")<CR>"
i  <Plug>delimitMate" * <SNR>36_TriggerAbb()."<C-R>=delimitMate#QuoteDelim(\"\\\"\")<CR>"
i  <Plug>delimitMate] * <SNR>36_TriggerAbb().delimitMate#JumpOut("\]")
i  <Plug>delimitMate} * <SNR>36_TriggerAbb().delimitMate#JumpOut("\}")
i  <Plug>delimitMate) * <SNR>36_TriggerAbb().delimitMate#JumpOut("\)")
i  <Plug>delimitMate[ * <SNR>36_TriggerAbb().delimitMate#ParenDelim("]")
i  <Plug>delimitMate{ * <SNR>36_TriggerAbb().delimitMate#ParenDelim("}")
i  <Plug>delimitMate( * <SNR>36_TriggerAbb().delimitMate#ParenDelim(")")
i  <C-Tab>     * <C-R>=UltiSnips#ListSnippets()<CR>
i  <PageUp>    * pumvisible() ? "\<PageUp>\<C-P>\<C-N>" : "\<PageUp>"
i  <PageDown>  * pumvisible() ? "\<PageDown>\<C-P>\<C-N>" : "\<PageDown>"
i  <Up>        * pumvisible() ? "\<C-P>" : "\<Up>"
i  <Down>      * pumvisible() ? "\<C-N>" : "\<Down>"
i  <C-G>S        <Plug>ISurround
i  <C-G>s        <Plug>Isurround
i  <C-H>       * <SNR>155_OnDeleteChar( "\<C-H>" )
i  <Tab>       * <C-R>=UltiSnips#ExpandSnippetOrJump()<CR>
i  <NL>        * <C-R>=g:JInYCM()<CR>
i  <C-K>       * <C-R>=g:KInYCM()<CR>
i  <CR>        * <SNR>155_StopCompletion( "\<CR>" )
i  <C-S>         <Plug>Isurround
i  <C-T>       * <Esc>:tabnew<CR>
i  <Esc>[200~  * XTermPasteBegin()
i  #           * X<C-H>#
i  kj          * <Esc>

below is :imap (

i  (           * complete_parameter#pre_complete("()")

replace inoremap <silent><expr> ( complete_parameter#pre_complete("()") to this config

imap <expr>(
            \ pumvisible() ?
            \ complete_parameter#pre_complete("()") :
            \ "\<Plug>delimitMate("

Is this your mean?

19 if count(g:bundle_groups, 'python')
 18     " for python.vim syntax highlight
 17     " pythonsyntax
 16     Plug 'hdima/python-syntax'
 15     Plug 'hynek/vim-python-pep8-indent'
 14     Plug 'Glench/Vim-Jinja2-Syntax'
 13     Plug 'tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim'
 12     " inoremap <silent><expr> ( complete_parameter#pre_complete("()")
 11     imap <expr>(
 10                 \ pumvisible() ?
  9                 \ complete_parameter#pre_complete("()") :
  8                 \ "\<Plug>delimitMate("")")
  7     smap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter)
  6     imap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter)
  5     smap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter)
  4     imap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter)
  2     " isort  https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort#readme + https://github.com/fisadev/vim-isort#installation
  1     " pip install isort
209     Plug 'fisadev/vim-isort'
  1     " Shift-V 上下选中, ctrl + i 规范化
  2     let g:vim_isort_map = '<C-i>'
  4 endif

now the output of :imap ( is

i  (             pumvisible() ? complete_parameter#pre_complete("()") : "\<Plug>delimitMate("")")

But it still doesn't work

which version of ycm you are using?

sorry I don't know how to check ycm's version even read a relevant question:


I used PlugUpdate and compiled YCM again, but it still doesn't work, can the plugin achieve the below effect?

There are not float window in vim.

Please add the follow line to you vimrc:

let g:complete_parameter_log_level=0

And then, use open function to test the completion.
And then, show me the log.

@tenfyzhong 我突然发现我的YCM的跳转不能正常工作,但是可以补全,这会影响你这个插件吗?:

E15: Invalid expression: , -1, 4, 4,
E116: Invalid arguments for function 171_CompleterCommand

open result:

".vimrc" 688L, 18651C
  1. I reinstall k-vim again so the version of YCM is newest.
  2. I upgrade version of vim from 7.4 to 8.1 solved YCM GOTO problem and YCM work well now.
  3. I install the plug under the instruction, but it still doesn't work

how can I check it? @wklken @tenfyzhong

I hope it can display the argument of function, is this the plug's final effect?


Is this work? it can complete something after I press ( but don't display argument like YCM?

The argument was echo in the command line.