Support for Completor.vim
Opened this issue · 1 comments
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Completion Engine and Commit SHA
Minimal Configuration
Issue Details
Hi Tenfy
For c/c++ and python embedded development I use a lightweight toolchain based on Vim8.1, Make, Clang, Ale, Ultisnips, and Completor.vim .
I prefer Completor.vim because it is easy to install / configure, performant and usable for a lot of languages.
I installed CompleteParameter.vim - and surprise the placeholder generation was not triggered from completor's pum.
Wouldn't it be worth to think about adding completor to the list of CompleteParameter supported completors?
I opened a similar issue at Completor.vim.
Let me know how I can help!
Next step:
- Minimal setting
- let g:complete_parameter_log_level = 1
Completor's completion after typing '(':
-> plugin triggered and inserted () because completion failed -
[CompleteParameter][10:21:49][TRACE][1647681709521468] {'word': 'ADS1115_setOpMode', 'menu': 'uint8_t ADS1115_setOpMode(ADS1115 ads1115, uint8_t OpMode)', 'user_data': '', 'info': '', 'kind': '', 'abbr': 'ADS1115_setOpMode'}
[CompleteParameter][10:21:49][DEBUG][1647681709521468] []
[CompleteParameter][10:21:49][DEBUG][1647681709521468] parseds is empty
[CompleteParameter][10:21:49][TRACE][1647681709521468] ()<80>kl
-> It seems to be the parsing failed.