
Typos and errors in nb_ch02_01.ipynb

welshboi opened this issue · 0 comments

  • linar --> linear
  • curtosis --> kurtosis
  • exactely --> exactly
  • performace --> performance
  • featues --> features
  • Here we use extract the two features and the label of the dataset --> # Here we extract the two features and the label of the dataset

  • seperation --> separation
  • seperate --> separate
  • training of the model using the training data stored in X and Y for 4100 epochs --> # training of the model using the training data stored in X and Y

  • this values can vary --> these values can vary
  • descriped --> described
  • Definition of the network with two hidden layers --> Definition of the network with two layers (note: there is only 1 hidden layer)
  • paramters --> parameters
  • alot --> a lot
  • leraning --> learning