
TQDMProgressBar(leave_overall_progress=False) in consort with the EarlyStoppingCallback() dosn't leave progress bar

PhorstenkampFuzzy opened this issue · 0 comments

System information

  • Widnwos10:
  • TensorFlow version and how it was installed (source or binary): 2.9.1 binary
  • TensorFlow-Addons version and how it was installed (source or binary): 0.17.1
  • Python version: 3.10.3
  • Is GPU used? (yes/no): yes

Describe the bug
When using the TQDMProgressBar(leave_overall_progress=False) in consort with the EarlyStoppingCallback() the overall progress bar does not disappear. I assume this is not a feature but a bug.

If lines 5 to 7 from the following code snippet are inserted the behavior changes and the progressbar disappears after training.

       # line 143 of tensorflow_addons.callbacks.tqdm_progress_bar.py
        def _clean_up_progbar(self, hook, logs):
            if hook == "train_overall":
                if self.show_overall_progress:
                        self.num_epochs - self.overall_progress_tqdm.n