Unsupported data type for TPU: string in case of ControlledPQC
Gopal-Dahale opened this issue · 2 comments
Gopal-Dahale commented
Replicating the code for Hybrid quantum-classical optimization in the Hello, many worlds tutorial with TPU (in google cloud) results in the following error.
Unsupported data type for TPU: string, caused by output Pad:0 [Op:__inference_train_function_8911]
The modified code can be found here
mhucka commented
@Gopal-Dahale This issue is quite old, but it is not clear to me what its status is. Could you let us know, please?
Gopal-Dahale commented
@mhucka Yeah, it's so old that I forgot what it was. I think strings aren't supported with TPUs. Feel free to close this issue if it isn't a priority.