
X10 Tensor Performance for LSTMs

tanmayb123 opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm running an experiment to compare the performance of LSTMs on Swift for TensorFlow and TensorFlow in Python. I'm using the following (badly written) code:

import time
import tensorflow as tf

def lstm(ih, hh, b, ts_input, ts_hidden, ts_cell, hiddensize):
    z = tf.linalg.matmul(ts_input, ih) + tf.linalg.matmul(ts_hidden, hh) + b
    z0 = z[:, 0:hiddensize]
    z1 = z[:, hiddensize:hiddensize*2]
    z2 = z[:, hiddensize*2:hiddensize*3]
    z3 = z[:, hiddensize*3:]
    i = tf.math.sigmoid(z0)
    f = tf.math.sigmoid(z1)
    c = f * ts_cell + i * tf.math.sigmoid(z2)
    o = tf.math.sigmoid(z3)

    h = o * tf.math.tanh(c)

    return (h, c)

def run_prediction(ih, hh, b, hiddensize, inputs):
    hidden = tf.zeros((inputs.shape[1], hiddensize))
    cell = tf.zeros((inputs.shape[1], hiddensize))
    hiddens = [hidden]
    for i in range(0, inputs.shape[0]):
        i = tf.constant(i)
        hidden, cell = lstm(ih, hh, b, inputs[i], hidden, cell, hiddensize)
    return hiddens

ih = tf.random.uniform((26, 256*4))
hh = tf.random.uniform((256, 256*4))
b = tf.random.uniform((256*4,))
hiddensize = tf.constant(256)
inputs = tf.random.uniform((380, 128, 26))

def run():
    s = time.time()
    print(run_prediction(ih, hh, b, hiddensize, inputs)[-1].shape)
    e = time.time()
    print(e - s)

import Foundation
import TensorFlow

let device: Device = .defaultXLA

struct LSTMOutput: Differentiable {
    var hidden: Tensor<Float>
    var cell: Tensor<Float>

@differentiable(wrt: (ih, hh, b))
func lstm(ih: Tensor<Float>,
          hh: Tensor<Float>,
          b: Tensor<Float>,
          tsInput: Tensor<Float>,
          tsHidden: Tensor<Float>,
          tsCell: Tensor<Float>,
          hiddenSize: Int) -> LSTMOutput {
    let z = matmul(tsInput, ih) + matmul(tsHidden, hh) + b
    let z0 = z.slice(lowerBounds: [0, 0], upperBounds: [z.shape[0], hiddenSize])
    let z1 = z.slice(lowerBounds: [0, hiddenSize], upperBounds: [z.shape[0], hiddenSize * 2])
    let z2 = z.slice(lowerBounds: [0, hiddenSize * 2], upperBounds: [z.shape[0], hiddenSize * 3])
    let z3 = z.slice(lowerBounds: [0, hiddenSize * 3], upperBounds: [z.shape[0], hiddenSize * 4])
    let i = sigmoid(z0)
    let f = sigmoid(z1)
    let c = f * tsCell + i * sigmoid(z2)
    let o = sigmoid(z3)
    let h = o * tanh(c)
    return .init(hidden: h, cell: c)

@differentiable(wrt: (ih, hh, b))
func runPrediction(ih: Tensor<Float>,
                   hh: Tensor<Float>,
                   b: Tensor<Float>,
                   hiddenSize: Int,
                   inputs: [Tensor<Float>]) -> [Tensor<Float>] {
    var hidden = Tensor<Float>(zeros: [inputs[0].shape[0], hiddenSize], on: device)
    var cell = Tensor<Float>(zeros: [inputs[0].shape[0], hiddenSize], on: device)
    var hiddens: [Tensor<Float>] = [hidden]
    for i in 0..<withoutDerivative(at: inputs.count) {
        let result = lstm(ih: ih, hh: hh, b: b, tsInput: inputs[i], tsHidden: hidden, tsCell: cell, hiddenSize: hiddenSize)
        hidden = result.hidden
        cell = result.cell
    return hiddens

let ih = Tensor<Float>(randomUniform: [26, 256*4], on: device)
let hh = Tensor<Float>(randomUniform: [256, 256*4], on: device)
let b = Tensor<Float>(randomUniform: [256*4], on: device)
let hiddenSize = 256
let inputs: [Tensor<Float>] = (1...380).map { _ in Tensor(randomUniform: [128, 26], on: device) }

func run() {
    let start = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
    print(runPrediction(ih: ih, hh: hh, b: b, hiddenSize: hiddenSize, inputs: inputs).last!.shape)
    let end = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
    print(end - start)


Python gives me the following output:

2020-05-09 23:32:56.595915: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:142] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
2020-05-09 23:32:56.606559: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/service.cc:168] XLA service 0x7f8598660a50 initialized for platform Host (this does not guarantee that XLA will be used). Devices:
2020-05-09 23:32:56.606573: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/service.cc:176]   StreamExecutor device (0): Host, Default Version
2020-05-09 23:32:56.857759: I tensorflow/compiler/jit/xla_compilation_cache.cc:242] Compiled cluster using XLA!  This line is logged at most once for the lifetime of the process.
(128, 256)
(128, 256)

Swift (with .defaultTFEager) gives me:

[128, 256]
[128, 256]

Swift (with .defaultXLA) gives me:

2020-05-09 23:33:09.025920: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/xla_client/xrt_local_service.cc:54] Peer localservice 1 {localhost:35392}
2020-05-09 23:33:09.026451: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:143] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 FMA
2020-05-09 23:33:09.075110: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/service.cc:168] XLA service 0x11b126e30 initialized for platform Host (this does not guarantee that XLA will be used). Devices:
2020-05-09 23:33:09.075126: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/service.cc:176]   StreamExecutor device (0): Host, Default Version
2020-05-09 23:33:09.077361: I tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/rpc/grpc_channel.cc:301] Initialize GrpcChannelCache for job localservice -> {0 -> localhost:35392}
2020-05-09 23:33:09.077748: I tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/rpc/grpc_server_lib.cc:390] Started server with target: grpc://localhost:35392
2020-05-09 23:33:09.084266: W tensorflow/compiler/jit/xla_device.cc:398] XLA_GPU and XLA_CPU devices are deprecated and will be removed in subsequent releases. Instead, use either @tf.function(experimental_compile=True) for must-compile semantics, or run with TF_XLA_FLAGS=--tf_xla_auto_jit=2 for auto-clustering best-effort compilation.
[128, 256]
[128, 256]

I was wondering, what causes so much extra overhead on the XLA device in Swift? Is this an issue with the way I've written my code, or is it an issue with how the tensors are implemented? If so, is it a known issue and are there plans to fix it soon?

If so, then I can use S4TF for training the LSTMs in my next project.

This experiment was run on a MacBook Pro, the file was run using swiftc -O main.swift && ./main.


(I had originally put this issue here tensorflow/swift#461 but I thought this repo would be more appropriate)

@tanmayb123 Have a look at https://github.com/tensorflow/swift-apis/blob/master/Sources/x10/swift_bindings/doc/TROUBLESHOOTING.md, it explains the possible issues and the process of investigating them in detail. PrintX10Metrics is especially interesting, I suspect we're seeing either recompilation or calling into operations which break the graph.

In any case, I'll have a look next week since you provided a repro. I'm optimistic we can make it fast. Thanks!

Thanks Alex! I put printX10Metrics() after each run(), and here's the output on my computer:

2020-05-10 14:04:58.734379: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/xla_client/xrt_local_service.cc:54] Peer localservice 1 {localhost:36954}
2020-05-10 14:04:58.735080: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:143] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: SSE4.2 AVX AVX2 FMA
2020-05-10 14:04:58.786298: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/service.cc:168] XLA service 0x11d176470 initialized for platform Host (this does not guarantee that XLA will be used). Devices:
2020-05-10 14:04:58.786313: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/service.cc:176]   StreamExecutor device (0): Host, Default Version
2020-05-10 14:04:58.788425: I tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/rpc/grpc_channel.cc:301] Initialize GrpcChannelCache for job localservice -> {0 -> localhost:36954}
2020-05-10 14:04:58.788727: I tensorflow/core/distributed_runtime/rpc/grpc_server_lib.cc:390] Started server with target: grpc://localhost:36954
2020-05-10 14:04:58.795367: W tensorflow/compiler/jit/xla_device.cc:398] XLA_GPU and XLA_CPU devices are deprecated and will be removed in subsequent releases. Instead, use either @tf.function(experimental_compile=True) for must-compile semantics, or run with TF_XLA_FLAGS=--tf_xla_auto_jit=2 for auto-clustering best-effort compilation.
[128, 256]
2020-05-10 14:05:00.252778: I swift_bindings/xla_tensor_wrapper.cc:790] Metrics:
Metric: CompileTime
  TotalSamples: 1
  Accumulator: 017ms749.888us
  Percentiles: 1%=017ms749.888us; 5%=017ms749.888us; 10%=017ms749.888us; 20%=017ms749.888us; 50%=017ms749.888us; 80%=017ms749.888us; 90%=017ms749.888us; 95%=017ms749.888us; 99%=017ms749.888us
Metric: DeviceLockWait
  TotalSamples: 1520
  Accumulator: 001ms184.225us
  ValueRate: 910.637us / second
  Rate: 1168.11 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=000.689us; 5%=000.724us; 10%=000.738us; 20%=000.751us; 50%=000.776us; 80%=000.802us; 90%=000.819us; 95%=000.826us; 99%=000.860us
Metric: ExecuteTime
  TotalSamples: 1520
  Accumulator: 344ms749.074us
  ValueRate: 245ms499.143us / second
  Rate: 1168.1 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=194.156us; 5%=197.375us; 10%=199.300us; 20%=201.852us; 50%=207.161us; 80%=214.259us; 90%=219.850us; 95%=225.339us; 99%=291.208us
Metric: InboundData
  TotalSamples: 1520
  Accumulator: 11.88KB
  ValueRate: 9.13KB / second
  Rate: 1168.11 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=8.00B; 5%=8.00B; 10%=8.00B; 20%=8.00B; 50%=8.00B; 80%=8.00B; 90%=8.00B; 95%=8.00B; 99%=8.00B
Metric: IrValueTensorToXlaData
  TotalSamples: 3423
  Accumulator: 636ms791.698us
  ValueRate: 428ms040.837us / second
  Rate: 2364.04 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=163.701us; 5%=167.896us; 10%=169.601us; 20%=172.005us; 50%=178.523us; 80%=188.350us; 90%=193.929us; 95%=200.828us; 99%=220.842us
Metric: OutboundData
  TotalSamples: 3423
  Accumulator: 26.74KB
  ValueRate: 18.47KB / second
  Rate: 2364.05 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=8.00B; 5%=8.00B; 10%=8.00B; 20%=8.00B; 50%=8.00B; 80%=8.00B; 90%=8.00B; 95%=8.00B; 99%=8.00B
Metric: ReleaseDataHandlesTime
  TotalSamples: 3025
  Accumulator: 437ms038.050us
  ValueRate: 295ms002.624us / second
  Rate: 2355.69 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=107.345us; 5%=111.899us; 10%=114.060us; 20%=117.392us; 50%=123.852us; 80%=131.508us; 90%=136.867us; 95%=143.509us; 99%=157.632us
Metric: TensorsGraphSize
  TotalSamples: 1520
  Accumulator: 4560.00
  ValueRate: 3504.33 / second
  Rate: 1168.11 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=3.00; 5%=3.00; 10%=3.00; 20%=3.00; 50%=3.00; 80%=3.00; 90%=3.00; 95%=3.00; 99%=3.00
Metric: TransferFromServerTime
  TotalSamples: 1520
  Accumulator: 228ms173.109us
  ValueRate: 168ms440.013us / second
  Rate: 1168.11 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=135.492us; 5%=137.016us; 10%=138.238us; 20%=139.487us; 50%=142.259us; 80%=146.686us; 90%=149.639us; 95%=153.425us; 99%=178.000us
Metric: TransferToServerTime
  TotalSamples: 3423
  Accumulator: 625ms925.315us
  ValueRate: 421ms502.200us / second
  Rate: 2364.04 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=161.119us; 5%=164.660us; 10%=166.415us; 20%=168.701us; 50%=175.328us; 80%=185.100us; 90%=191.066us; 95%=197.863us; 99%=217.845us
Metric: TransferToServerTransformTime
  TotalSamples: 3423
  Accumulator: 069ms109.508us
  ValueRate: 046ms875.380us / second
  Rate: 2364.05 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=016.444us; 5%=017.261us; 10%=017.865us; 20%=018.315us; 50%=019.141us; 80%=020.367us; 90%=020.988us; 95%=021.701us; 99%=024.795us
Counter: CachedCompile
  Value: 1519
Counter: CreateCompileHandles
  Value: 1
Counter: CreateDataHandles
  Value: 4943
Counter: CreateXlaTensor
  Value: 16376
Counter: DestroyDataHandles
  Value: 4560
Counter: DestroyXlaTensor
  Value: 15993
Counter: ReleaseDataHandles
  Value: 4560
Counter: UncachedCompile
  Value: 1
Counter: XRTAllocateFromTensor_Empty
  Value: 1
Counter: XrtCompile_Empty
  Value: 80
Counter: XrtExecuteChained_Empty
  Value: 80
Counter: XrtExecute_Empty
  Value: 80
Counter: XrtRead_Empty
  Value: 80
Counter: XrtReleaseAllocationHandle_Empty
  Value: 80
Counter: XrtReleaseCompileHandle_Empty
  Value: 80
Counter: XrtSessionCount
  Value: 6
Counter: XrtSubTuple_Empty
  Value: 80

[128, 256]
2020-05-10 14:05:01.569849: I swift_bindings/xla_tensor_wrapper.cc:790] Metrics:
Metric: CompileTime
  TotalSamples: 1
  Accumulator: 017ms749.888us
  Percentiles: 1%=017ms749.888us; 5%=017ms749.888us; 10%=017ms749.888us; 20%=017ms749.888us; 50%=017ms749.888us; 80%=017ms749.888us; 90%=017ms749.888us; 95%=017ms749.888us; 99%=017ms749.888us
Metric: DeviceLockWait
  TotalSamples: 3040
  Accumulator: 002ms391.199us
  ValueRate: 925.636us / second
  Rate: 1163.08 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=000.692us; 5%=000.720us; 10%=000.737us; 20%=000.750us; 50%=000.778us; 80%=000.808us; 90%=000.828us; 95%=000.838us; 99%=000.879us
Metric: ExecuteTime
  TotalSamples: 3040
  Accumulator: 669ms636.628us
  ValueRate: 248ms589.716us / second
  Rate: 1163.13 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=194.776us; 5%=198.421us; 10%=200.340us; 20%=203.568us; 50%=209.921us; 80%=218.339us; 90%=224.766us; 95%=234.304us; 99%=262.793us
Metric: InboundData
  TotalSamples: 3040
  Accumulator: 23.75KB
  ValueRate: 9.09KB / second
  Rate: 1163.13 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=8.00B; 5%=8.00B; 10%=8.00B; 20%=8.00B; 50%=8.00B; 80%=8.00B; 90%=8.00B; 95%=8.00B; 99%=8.00B
Metric: IrValueTensorToXlaData
  TotalSamples: 6463
  Accumulator: 01s202ms439.505us
  ValueRate: 432ms677.997us / second
  Rate: 2324.28 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=166.073us; 5%=169.206us; 10%=171.161us; 20%=173.942us; 50%=181.884us; 80%=192.092us; 90%=202.007us; 95%=214.134us; 99%=276.403us
Metric: OutboundData
  TotalSamples: 6463
  Accumulator: 50.49KB
  ValueRate: 18.16KB / second
  Rate: 2324.29 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=8.00B; 5%=8.00B; 10%=8.00B; 20%=8.00B; 50%=8.00B; 80%=8.00B; 90%=8.00B; 95%=8.00B; 99%=8.00B
Metric: ReleaseDataHandlesTime
  TotalSamples: 6052
  Accumulator: 830ms432.265us
  ValueRate: 299ms708.863us / second
  Rate: 2307.4 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=109.134us; 5%=114.307us; 10%=116.776us; 20%=119.445us; 50%=127.032us; 80%=136.125us; 90%=144.214us; 95%=151.779us; 99%=186.353us
Metric: TensorsGraphSize
  TotalSamples: 3040
  Accumulator: 9120.00
  ValueRate: 3489.23 / second
  Rate: 1163.08 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=3.00; 5%=3.00; 10%=3.00; 20%=3.00; 50%=3.00; 80%=3.00; 90%=3.00; 95%=3.00; 99%=3.00
Metric: TransferFromServerTime
  TotalSamples: 3040
  Accumulator: 450ms452.323us
  ValueRate: 170ms100.630us / second
  Rate: 1163.13 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=135.276us; 5%=137.325us; 10%=138.467us; 20%=140.148us; 50%=143.362us; 80%=147.595us; 90%=152.353us; 95%=160.734us; 99%=223.151us
Metric: TransferToServerTime
  TotalSamples: 6463
  Accumulator: 01s182ms789.125us
  ValueRate: 424ms184.007us / second
  Rate: 2324.28 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=162.921us; 5%=166.040us; 10%=167.950us; 20%=170.700us; 50%=178.610us; 80%=188.897us; 90%=199.042us; 95%=210.882us; 99%=272.675us
Metric: TransferToServerTransformTime
  TotalSamples: 6463
  Accumulator: 130ms781.995us
  ValueRate: 046ms462.256us / second
  Rate: 2324.29 / second
  Percentiles: 1%=016.422us; 5%=017.588us; 10%=018.087us; 20%=018.516us; 50%=019.299us; 80%=020.727us; 90%=022.177us; 95%=023.871us; 99%=033.486us
Counter: CachedCompile
  Value: 3039
Counter: CreateCompileHandles
  Value: 1
Counter: CreateDataHandles
  Value: 9503
Counter: CreateXlaTensor
  Value: 28922
Counter: DestroyDataHandles
  Value: 9120
Counter: DestroyXlaTensor
  Value: 28539
Counter: ReleaseDataHandles
  Value: 9120
Counter: UncachedCompile
  Value: 1
Counter: XRTAllocateFromTensor_Empty
  Value: 1
Counter: XrtCompile_Empty
  Value: 80
Counter: XrtExecuteChained_Empty
  Value: 80
Counter: XrtExecute_Empty
  Value: 80
Counter: XrtRead_Empty
  Value: 80
Counter: XrtReleaseAllocationHandle_Empty
  Value: 80
Counter: XrtReleaseCompileHandle_Empty
  Value: 80
Counter: XrtSessionCount
  Value: 6
Counter: XrtSubTuple_Empty
  Value: 80

@asuhan should hopefully have some follow up on this in a few days.

A sequence of fixes in master, starting with #982, have fixed this. The nightly toolchain should work a lot better with LSTMs now.

On my Linux machine, the original example is 35x (!) faster with x10 than eager. However, note that the original example doesn't look at the actual contents of the tensor, just the shape - which means x10 never needs to execute anything, which explains the enormous gap.

A more realistic scenario, which prints the sum of the prediction instead of the shape, still shows a 1.7x speedup with x10 vs eager, on my CPU. On my GPU both backends are about as fast.

Note that the first run() call will take a very long time (~3 minutes) because the XLA compilation itself is slow for this example, I'm only reporting the second run. Subsequent runs will be as fast as the second run.

Last but not least, the current focus of x10 is Linux and TPUs / GPUs, so ymmv on macOS with CPU.

I'm going to close this issue for now as it appears to be solved.