Tensorboard profiler tutorial broken
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I went to this page: https://www.tensorflow.org/tensorboard/tensorboard_profiling_keras
Then I click on Run in Google Colab. Then I click Runtime -> Run all.
Then on the tensorboard page I don't see any "profile" tab. And if I select "Profile" from the dropdown on the right I get to a page that says "No profile data was found":
I thought maybe this was an issue with "tensorboard_plugin_profile" not being available in the kernel after installation, so I tried "Restart session and run all" but had the same result. I also tried running the tutorial on my own device. In that case I got some profiling information, but the main summary page has no step markers:
Not really sure what to do from here, as I don't understand enough about the profiler to diagnose the problem (I was hoping the tutorial would give me a working starting point).
This plugin is maintained in a separate repo, could you please file an issue with them? https://github.com/tensorflow/profiler
Sorry I can't be of help.